
Adult Heart for X-Ray CT, US, MRI

Product Code:HT-A01 Inquiry

The Adult Heart Phantom is a realistic simulator of a healthy human heart, compatible with X-Ray/CT, Ultrasound, and MRI. It supports beating functionality and lifelike motions, making it useful for echocardiograms, endoscopies, catheter insertion, and cardiovascular research. Made from synthetic material with accurate anatomical structures, the phantom is fully customizable for various biomedical projects. A water tank is included to ensure proper mounting and performance for viewing internal structures and heart motion.


The Adult Heart Phantom is a realistic simulator of a healthy-adult human heart. The phantom is compatible with X-Ray/CT, Ultrasound, and MRI. This product has a wide range of applications as it also has the potential to support beating functionality and generate life-like motions. Some of its uses and applications include transesophageal and transthoracic echocardiograms, ultrasound-navigated endoscopies, catheter insertion under ultrasound probes, angiography, and other cardio-based research and development studies. This phantom can be used with Barium-sulfate, Iodine-based, Gadolinium-based, Microbubble, and Iron Oxide-based contrast mediums.

The phantom is built from a realistic, life-like, synthetic material to mimic the acoustical, physical, and mechanical properties of real biological tissues. Using 3D printing technology and synthetic material, the heart phantom is built to reflect exact anatomical structures. The phantom is fully customizable and able to suit a wide variety of bio-medical projects.

In terms of MRI applications, the phantom tissues have realistic T2 relaxation time values which makes this product to be best fit for any T2-weighted MRI imaging methods. Very good results can also be achieved with proton-density imaging methods. The phantom can still be imaged with T1-weighted methods, but the T1 values are less realistic, and they are within the range of about 100 ms.

Upon special request, the geometry and dimensions of the phantom and its properties can be customized based on the requirements of any particular project.

Note: This product comes with a water tank, as shown in the images above. The water tank helps researchers to mount the heart properly and achieve the correct performance of the phantom in terms of the view of internal structures and heart motion.


 2 Atria, 2 Ventricles:
– Right Ventricle
   – Moderator Band that runs from the anterior wall to the septum bridge
   – Volume: 60 ml
– Left Ventricle
   – Papillary muscles to the anterior and posterior walls
   – Volume: 63 ml
– Right Atrium
   – Right atrial appendage with distinct muscle structures
   – Volume: 45 ml
– Left Atrium
   – Unique muscle structure to the appendage of the left atrium
   – Volume: 29 ml
 4 Valves
 Appendage Feature
 Jugular vessels
 Pulmonic and Pulmonary Veins attached to LA
 Flexible Valvular Structures



Product Images:


MRI Scans:


Ultrasound Scans:


CT Scans:


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